Mar 31, 2014

Mate Desktop 1.8 on Ubuntu 14.04 base system

After BOOTSRAPING UBUNTU 14.04 BASE SYSTEM succesfully. I wish to Install New Comer but Old Stock MATE DESKTOP 1.8 and following Guid by IT-World
We can do it by copy paste. I do it on base system fresh bootstraping. :)

For sure everything is about Terminaling ... LOL

sudo add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -cs) main"
wget -q -O- |
sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mate-core mate-desktop-environment mate-notification-daemon

sudo apt-get install lightdm


I wish to test webbroser app along side by side with epiphany-browser both look amazing on Mate Desktop 1.8

Testing Ubuntu Touch Devel Channel

Ubuntu 14.04 is best tools to test ubuntu touch on Nexus Devices. I tested for Galaxy Nexus GT=i9250 Maguro Device.
Just install by using : # aptitude install phablet-tools ubuntu-device-flash will grab all neccessary dependecies, to flash Maguro with ubuntu touch.... folow THIS UBUNTU WIKI straight forward.

Strange ADB and FASTBOOT by Ubuntu :-)

During installing phablet-tools and ubuntu-device-flash ubuntu repos gave android-tools-adb and android-tools-fastboot packages installing straight to /usr/bin/*

I have no problem with this ADB and FASTBOOT to flash Galaxy Nexus however when a Xiaomi Mi3 WCDMA phone connected to pc and checking with :

16:04:36 [~]
x1123@ >$ adb devices
List of devices attached



I have Android SDK installed on part of adt-bundle and tested with this ADB

16:13:24 [/ahu/adt-bdlx86_64/sdk/platform-tools]
x1123@ >$ ./adb start-server
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *

16:13:30 [/ahu/adt-bdlx86_64/sdk/platform-tools]
x1123@ >$ ./adb devices
List of devices attached
9d4aae4d unauthorized

Then I moved this ADB and FASTBOOT to replace ubuntu's one : # sudo cp adb fastboot /usr/bin/

Real Multilib Userland on Linux

Read multilib requirement on Android rom building and other stuff. About two years absent from getting rid with android rom. I have time to...